I don't have any news, really.
My office (used to be a dining area) has a white board. No, I don't draw pictures of cats on it, I use it to study. Not very exciting, but I believe it was the hilight of my week.
I should be preparing for my management midterm, but it's really boring and I studied for 8 hours today for an audit midterm. Burned out and sick, sick for one week ugh.
In other news, my spray tan started peeling off my chest today, or soemthing. Not really sure what to do next. I want to spray tan every other day and look like a real SDSU student, but I doubt that would really work.
Michele is going to start posting blogs for me, her's are more interesting than mine, and I talk to her a lot now that she lives in Antartica or Africa or whatever that state is...it snows a lot there and she is going to love San Diego.
I need new electronics. Instead of buying a new car when I graduate, I am going on a shopping spree at Fry's. And maybe an audi A5, that new commercial is hot, it reminds me of a modern 8 series (hello dream car!) but possibly more reliable. However, my audi was not reliable, so I probably won't get an A5. The TT is hot too...I really don't want to study anymore.
Call me if you miss me, I have a new phone that I can text message on with ease since it has a freaking keyboard. No really an entire keyboard, it slides out. I missed my trolley stop one day from a heavy email session on that thing. Love technology. I didn't spell check this entry, so don't hate.